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Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy Mother's Day to Me!

Here’s my new grandson – Arlo Stephen Young. He’s a week old now and my son says that he already has a really great personality. “He’s optimistic, but realistic at the same time.” David and Anna are thrilled to be his parents and I am pleased to show him off to the world.

I'm sitting in my bedroom at my desk, drinking some herbal tea that my daughter sent and thinking this is a really good Mother's Day. I may be far from my children and grandchildren but with all the pictures in my room I see their faces all around me.

The night before Mother’s Day a neighbor came to my house and gave me a 3 hour massage for $3.00! Actually it was only supposed to last for 2 hours but I think it takes her longer to do my bigger body. Indo. massages are a little different. My host mother put a 4 inch thick mattress on the floor in front of the TV and turned it down low and she and my neighbor talked while my body was gently and not so gently kneaded and pulled. It ended up with her walking on my bottom and thighs while she held my leg for support. By the end of the session I was ready to sleep and this morning I feel great – there are a few muscles that I’m more aware of now…overall a great experience.

As I was walking this morning I saw a group of teenagers riding their bikes. One of them had a monkey on his handlebars. I laughed and told him, “Wonderful! I like your monkey!” The monkey seemed to be enjoying the ride as much as the boys.

I was able to talk with my three children and skype with 2 of them so I’d say it was a great day. And I am in the process of figuring out how to get an internet cable to my house so I can watch the youngest Young grow up over the 14 months that I will still be here. It costs a little more than the modum usage fee I now pay each month, but the current signal is often so weak I can’t even get my mail and I really want to keep my eyes on this beautiful new baby in Boston!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Oma Young, I'm Ed (meet at the Malang Train Station),btw i'm still keep your name card. nice to see you again although by this blog, your blog are absolutely great. I've just read at the upper of your quote (405 days complete – 405 days to go till “Close of Service.”)so, did you want to leave Indonesia?
    Greets, Ed
