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Saturday, January 28, 2012

My home

It's not really mine but it's the closest I have to a "home" right now.

The front porch with the new gate.

The fancy living room where we only sit if company comes to visit.

My bedroom with the mosquito net over the bed and all my family & friends photos fixed to the net so that I don't make nail holes in the wall.

Me, my host mother and my host father - both many years younger than I am. He's a retired policeman. They were on their way to have their pictures taken for an official photo.

My daughter and I washing clothes when she came to visit.

The bathroom with the squat toilet and the "mandi" tub of water. The dipper is for bathing and washing up after using the toilet.

One of the students who also is a boarder at my house, ironing in the hallway outside my bedroom.

The outside kitchen where all the cooking takes place.

Laundry drying outside my room.

And my nearest neighbors, the alarm clock chickens who live 8 feet from my bedroom window.


  1. Hi Colleen, my name is Michelle Mistelske and I will be arriving in Indonesia this April as a PCV! I have loved reading every word of your blog as I look to prepare for my upcoming new life. As a 45 year old woman, it has been especially helpful to read your perspective. I'd like to contact you with some specific questions. Is there a way for me to contact you privately or shall I post them to your blog? Thank you and I hope your day is lovely.

  2. Michelle, yes please email me:
    Yea! Colleen
