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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Ramadan - Student voices 2

Class X-C, X-F, X-G and XI-IPS1

What do you do for Idul Fitri?
I wear a new dress and I ask for sorry from all people so that I will become holy. It is the moment when non-Muslim people celebrate with Muslim people. (Ravika 16, Siti 15)
I clean my house and wait for my guest is welcome. (Eni 15, Arina 16)
Celebrate. (Afrian 16, Alfin 16)

Do you think that Muslims want to live in America? Why?
Muslims living in America can show Americans that Islam is an easy and simple religion. Muslims can teach Americans to understand Islam and they can study the prayers and readings of AlQur’an and other activities. (Arinal 16, M. Yusuf 16)
Everybody has a principle for life. (Nasa 15, Yoga 17)
Yes I do because I want a holiday, a special place for recreation. (Dian 16, Liana 16)

What do you want Americans to know about Islam?
Islam is a religion of love piece (peace). Islam is not a religion that likes violence. Islam observes other religions. It teaches that humans should love generously. (Danang 15, Ulum 15)
Islam is beautiful and it gratifies. (Mazida 15, Anggun 15)
Ramadan is a holy moon (month) a forgiveness moon and we must seriously to prayers. (Reni 15, Fitriana 15)
Yes I do. (Nunung 15, Wulan 16) (No explanation given.)

Why are you fasting?
It is an obligation for the Muslim human race to do fasting. We get training to be patient, to feel what poor people feel and to have a healthy body life. (Nur 15, Roidatun 15)
We study to resist anger and our body being healthy. (Faiqotul 15, Risky 15)
It is our custom and I very happy because of fasting. (Bagas 16, Pradana 16)
Because as Muslim community we have fasting obligation. (Desi 15, Rizqi 15, Karisma 15)
Because fasting already an obligation of Muslim people. (Ahmad 16, M Asnawi 16)

Do you like Ramadan? Why?
Yes. Because Ramadan activities are many prayers, to hold hunger and thirst and at last to celebrate Idul Fitri. (Nilla 16, Evi 17)

What is Pondok Ramadan? (Literally – The Cottage of Ramadan)
School activities every fasting moon (month) to make the character of Muslims - practice prayers, learn Al-Qur’an. (Vina 16, Umi 16)
We always go to school and listen to speech form my teacher and prayers. (Rahayu 15, Riska 15)
We read Holy Al-Qur’an and do much sholat prayers. (Fathur 15, Evan 16)
Studying Usmani together. (Reni 15, Fitriana 15)

Will you only marry a Muslim person? Why?
Yes, because always parents wish Muslim equality and therefore have a deep family. (Vina 16, Umi 16)
Yes, because if I don’t marry with a Muslim person I will be cut from Islam. (Yudi 18, Rofiq 15)
Yes. Sure, because if a Muslim person marry with a non Muslim the law of balance will not be permitted. (Dyah 15, Wine 15)
Because to marry is an obligation of a Muslim person. (Khusnul 16, Wahyu 16)

What do you think is the most difficult thing about being a Muslim in America?
Adaptation, because there are seldom Muslim people and Muslims can’t do activities like in Indonesia. A Muslim have to be careful with something which he eat, because in America a Muslim don’t know about foods which are halal / haram. (Muslims do not eat pork products.) Besides that it is difficult for a Muslim in America to get information about the Islamic religion through Islamic priests, but he / she can search the internet for information. So, actually if we being a Muslim in America isn’t so difficult. But if we want to get information about Islam everything will be okay. (Chusnul 15, Uswatun 16)
In America, being a minority. It is very difficult for adaptation. (Diah, Nurul)
Being a Muslim in America is the same as being a Muslim in Indonesia – the same traditions, activities, fasting are also in America. (Irma 15, Anisa 15)

Would you like to go to America for Ramadan?
Yes, because we wish to better know American persons and we wish to enjoy the beautiful world there. (Mustika 14, Tutut 16)
I wouldn’t like to go to America. (Rohmad 15, Argo 15)
Yes, I like to go to America for Ramadan but I haven’t money to go to America. (Adhetya 16, Laelatul 16)

Do you think Americans should visit Indonesia during Ramadan? Why?
No, because fasting in America or Indonesia is equal but if you want to observe the month of Ramadhan don’t false visit Indonesia. (Nabila 15, Halimatus 15)
Yes, I do because Americans must study about Ramadan in Indonesia. (Nidya 16, Rani 14)
Observe (respect), because equal human must mutually be generous. (Mira 15, Safinatur 15)

How do you feel when Ramadan is finished?
Very happy because after Ramadan we celebrate the great day of Ied of Fitr and prayers and visit family. (Fatimah 15, Ummu 15)
Happy because we to forge links in a rope with good relations with the Muslim community. (Riadhotul 15, Tri 16, Uun 15)
I feel sad because Ramadan is finished. (Eva, Lia)
Sad because the obligation for one year is met. (Arga, Risky)

What is your favorite food for Idul Fitri?
Snow cake, candy, jelly and cakes because all of it is delicious food. (Eka 15, Fitriva 15)
A rice cake boiled in a rhombus shaped packet of plaited young coconut leaves – and it maintains good relations. (Juwita 15, Wenty 15)
Chicken (Sihani 17, Eva 17)

How does religion impact your daily life?
Challenges pull us but our religion is very perfect in this world. (Eka 15, Fitriva 15)
The impact is we can be a good person, a generous person and more. Actually this is a good thing. (Sofik 16, Najiah 15)

How does fasting influence your daily activities?
I very happy. I NOT hungry and thirsty. I can meet my friends and joke and always find energy. It is a challenge for a Muslim. (Novi 15, Anny 15)

What is the most important thing about your religion?
Prayers, also fasting, good deeds and being generous. (Angga 15, Bagus 16)
It’s prayers. (Lina 16, Nuril 16)

What is the most important thing about Ramadan?
We must be patient every time. We can get forgiveness from Allah. (Anggi, Chandra 15)
Communal reading of the Koran. (Ana 17, Eti 16)
Commit prayers and fast. (Freni 17, Risky 17)
Prayers and fasting. (Alif 16)

What happened the first time you fasted? How old were you?
I to feel very hungry and thirst. My body felt weak. Don’t have energy for to do activity. For hours only to wish sleep and constantly to look at clock because not patient for waiting. Especially when fast is during summer and the body to feel very very hungry and thirst. (Della 15, Lailalul 15)
When I have age about 7 years old. It is very hard to do, but I try to do it and I can do it. The first day, the second day and third day I do fast with happy but when the last day I very proud because I can do it perfectly. (M Alea 14, Rendy 15)
Small children usually begin fasting after dzuhur. (Noon prayers) (Nurul 16, Zuli 17)

What is the Night of Power/ Nuzulul Qur’an during Ramadan? (What is the power of Ramadan?)
Power during Ramadan is the intention of the heart – to stay strong fasting. (Della 15, Lailalul 15)
Nuzulul Qur’an is turning the Al-Quran to Mohammad. We hope to pray all night to be able to have kindness fixed in the world we live in. (Dyah 15, Maya 15)

What are the rules of Ramadan?
Holding a sensation of hungry, thirsty and carnal desire and to increase prayers, devotion for nearing to Allah. (Ika 15, Vanessa 15)
To endure carnal desire. (Uthia 16, Bidayatur 15)
To resist passion. (Nasa 15, Yoga 17)
Not eat, not drink. Start before Imsa’. Finish at Magrib. (M Budi 15, Yuli 15, M Edi 15)

Who should NOT fast during Ramadan?
If she is people non Muslim. (Anik 17, Hendrika 16)
People after childbirth, people sick, people pregnant, people give suck (nursing mothers), people menstruation, people traveler or people road far, or people age advance old. (Lailalul 15, Wahyu 15)
Crazy people, sick people, menstruation people. (Pradana 15, M. Irkham 16)
The people non Muslim. (Zaed 17, Hanip 16)

What do you like best about Ramadan?
We increase to do kindness, to bring our self closer to Allah and to carry out the prohibition and instruction of Allah. (Maria 16, Novia 16)

What challenges do you face when you are fasting?
I am arrest for hunger and desire from the rising of the sun as far as be drown of the sun. (Alvi 15, Zainal 14)
We feel hungry, thirsty and week (weak) at evening. (Dyah 15, Maya 15)
All matter to cancel fasting. (Umi15, Ambar 15)
Hungry, thirsty. (Adirir 17, Lirds 17)
Weather, temperature, health. (Ana 17, Eti 16)

How do you feel when you are fasting?
We feel hungry, thirsty but because we have an obligation we are firm. (Arizkhi 17, Melina 17)

What do you feel when you pray?
I feel calm and I feel near with Allah. (Eni 15, Arina 16)
Peace, kindness, pleasant and fixed. (Evy 15, Fitria 15)
I feel that my heart is calm and peaceful. (Dinia 15, Riiha 17)
Energetic. (AB Zainul 16, Priyo 16)

Why do you pray?
Because prayer is the street (path) to give something to God. (Isnaini 15, Sulis 15)

Do you say any special prayers during Ramadan?
Yes, I wish success on someone. Amien. (Amen) (Elis 16, Niza 16)

How do you keep yourself energetic during Ramadan?
I look for the blessing. (Diah, Nurul)
Sleep enough. Eat a meal before day break. (Anisa 15, Irma 15)

What do you want to tell Americans about being a Muslim?
I like Muslim. I love Muslim. (Zaed 17, Hanip 16)

1 comment:

  1. These are excellent, Colleen. Thank you for posting them, and thank your students for writing them.
